
Mladen Furtula

Vanredni profesor
Telefon: +381 (11) 3053-827; +381 (11) 3053-839
E-mail: mladen.furtula@sfb.bg.ac.rs
Kabinet: 44, 70
Konsultacije: utorak 12 -14 časova, sreda12 -14 časova

Rođen je 9. 6. 1976. godine u Beogradu. Završio je IX gimnaziju „Mihajlo Petrović Alas“. Na Šumarskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu, Odsek za obradu drveta, diplomirao je 19. 4. 2002. godine. Doktorsku disertaciju odbranio je 1. 12. 2014. na Šumarskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu.
Kretanje u službi: radni odnos na Šumarskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu zasnovao je 30. 5. 2003. godine, kada je izabran za asistenta-pripravnika na predmetu Unutrašnji transport.
Kasniji izbori: za asistenta ‒ 2. 6. 2011. godine; za docenta ‒ 12. 5. 2014. godine; za vanrednog profesora 10.3.2020. godine.

Uža naučna oblast

Mašine i uređaji u preradi drveta

Oblast istraživanja

Unutrašnji transport; transportni uređaji; energetika u drvnoj industriji; proizvodnja i korišćenje drvnih goriva; sigurnost na radu.

Odabrani naučni radovi

  • Popadić R., Furtula M., Milić G. (2019): „Influence of Diameter and Quality of Beech Logs on the Potential Energy of Sawmill Residues“, BioResources 14(3), pp. 6331-6340
  • Furtula M., Džinčić I., Svrzić S. (2019): CNC wood machines accuracy and repeatability, 4th International Scientific Conference, Wood Technology&Product Design, Ohrid 4-7 September 2019., pp 32-43
  • Danon G., Furtula M. (2018): The role of wood biomass in the decarbonization of the electricity sector in the republic of Serbia, Zbornik radova International Conference Energy and Ecology EEI2018, Beograd 10.- 10.2018., pp 234-241
  • Furtula M., Danon G., Bajić V., Lukačev D. (2017): Energy consumption and equivalent emission of CO2 at wood pellets production in Serbia, Thermal science,pp 1905-1915, Beograd, doi: 10.2298/TSCI170220099F
  • Furtula M., Lukačev D. (2016): Pneumatic Conveyors in Wood Industry in Serbia – Present State and Possible Solutions, Zbornik radova Maintenance Forum 2016, Budva, 16-18. Juna 2016, pp 47-52., Izdavač: IIPP Univerzitet u Beogradu Mašinski fakultet, iipp.rs
  • Danon, G., Furtula, M., Đurković, M. (2016): The Possibilities of Reducing Energy Consumption and GHG Emissions in the Pellet Production, 11th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment,
  • September 4–9, 2016, SDEWES2016-0086 pp 1-19, Lisabon, Portugalija
  • Lovrić A., Zdravković V., Furtula M. (2014): Influence of thermal modification on colour of poplar (Populus X Euroamericana) rotary cut veneer,Wood Research, vol. 59, br. 2,2014, pp 661-670
  • Popadić R., Šoškić B., Milić G., Todorović N., Furtula M. (2014): Influence of the Sawing Method on Yield of Beech Logs with Red Heartwood, Drvna industrija br. 65, pp 35-42, Zagreb.
  • Danon G., Furtula M., Mandić M. (2012): Possibilities of implementation of CHP (combined heat and power) in the wood industry in Serbia, Energy, vol. 48, 1, pp. 169–176.
  • Furtula M., Mandić M., Danon G., Bajić V. (2010): The Possibility of Substitution of Fossil Fuel with Wood Biomass in the National Parks Kopaonik and Tara, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference, Lion, pp 283-287