Smiljana Jakšić
E-mail: smiljana.jaksic@sfb.bg.ac.rs
Cabinet: 67
Consultation: Thursday, 12 h;
2015-2016 PhD
Department of Mathematics and Informatics, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Concentrations: Functional Analysis, Pseudo-differential operators, Theory of ultradistributions
Title of the dissertation: Distributions and ultradistributions on R_(+〖^d〗) through Laguerre expansions with applications to pseudo-differential operators with radial symbols
Supervisors: Stevan Pilipović and Bojan Prangoski
Date of defense: 28/09/2016
2005-2010 Master
Department of Mathematics and Informatics, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Concentrations: Functional Analysis, Theory of distributions, Time-frequency analysis
Title of the dissertation: The Weyl transform in distributions and ultradistributions spaces
Supervisor: Stevan Pilipović
Date of defense: 25/08/2010
2001-2005 Bachelor
Department of Mathematics and Informatics, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
10/04/2017- Assistant Professor of Faculty of Forestry, University of Belgrade, Serbia
2008-2009 Teaching Assistant of Faculty of Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
2009-2017 Teaching Assistant of Faculty of Forestry, University of Belgrade, Serbia
23/04/2018 – 05/05/2018 Erasmus+ Programme, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Helsinki, Finland
2008-2009 Teaching Assistant – Calculus 1 and Calculus 2, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
2009-2017 Teaching Assistant – Calculus 1, University of Belgrade, Serbia
2017- Assistant Professor – Calculus 1 and Statistics, University of Belgrade, Serbia
2010- Member of the Academic Council of Faculty of Forestry, University of Belgrade, Serbia
2017- Member of the Election Council of Faculty of Forestry, University of Belgrade, Serbia
2014- Member, Serbian Mathematical Sciences Association, Belgrade, Serbia
Luís Daniel Abreu, Applied Harmonic Analysis, Acoustics Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria
Snježana Maksimović, Theory of ultradistributions, Faculty for Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Cooperation in the Danube region
Project title: Time-Frequency Methods for Operators and Function Spaces (DS 028)
Funding source: Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Serbia
Project organizer in Serbia: Nenad Teofanov
Duration: 2017- 2018
Total budget: 43 600 EUR
Bilateral project between Austria and Serbia
Project title: Analysis and Acoustics Research
Funding source: Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Serbia
Project organizer in Serbia: Nenad Teofanov
Duration: July 2018- June 2020
Total budget: 11 000 EUR
Cooperation in the Danube region
Project title: Time-Frequency Methods for Operators and Function Spaces (DS 028)
Funding source: Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Serbia
Project organizer in Serbia: Nenad Teofanov
Duration: 2017- 2018
Total budget: 43 600 EUR
National projects
Project title: Methods of Functional and Harmonic Analysis and PDE with Singularities (MPNTR 174024)
Funding source: Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Serbia
Project organizer: Academician Stevan Pilipovic
Duration: 2011-2019
Project title: Methods of Functional Analysis and PDE with Singularities (MNTR 144016)
Funding source: Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Serbia
Project organizer: Academician Stevan Pilipovic
Duration: 2006-2010
Projects with Republika Srpska
Project title: Methods of Functional Analysis for Variations Calculus and Abstract Spaces
Funding source: Ministry of Sciences and Technology, Republika Srpska
Project organizer: Academician Zoran Mitrovic
Duration: 01/12/2015-01/12/2016
Project title: Methods of Time-Frequency Analysis with Apllications
Funding source: Ministry of Sciences and Technology, Republika Srpska
Project organizer: Snjezana Maksimovic
Duration: 01/12/2018-01/12/2019
Total budget: 4 500 EUR
Project title: Localization in phase spece: numeric, teorethical and applicable aspects
Funding source: Ministry of Sciences and Technology, Republika Srpska
Project organizer: Snjezana Maksimovic
Duration: 01/12/2019-01/12/2020
Total budget: 8 200 EUR
4 Dec 2018 Tempered distributions on positive octant
Pavol Jozef Safarik University, Slovakia
27 Aug 2018 Weyl calculus of pseudo-differential operators on space of tempered distributions on positive orthant
Acoustics Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria
11 May 2017 Spaces of ultradistributions with applications to pseudo-differential operators
Seminar in Functional Analysis, University of Helsinki, Finland
24 May 2017 Spaces of ultradistributions with applications to pseudo-differential operators
Seminar on Analysis and Geometry, Aalto University, Finland
11-14 Sept 2018 Joint Meetings of the Czech, Slovenian, Austrian, Slovak and Catalan (CSASC) Mathematical Societies, Bratislava, Slovakia
Lecture: Weyl calculus of pseudo-differential operators on the space of tempered distributions
27-31 Aug 2018 International Conference on Generalized Functions, Novi Sad, Serbia
Lecture: Weyl calculus of pseudo-differential operators on space of tempered distributions on positive orthant
2-6 Jul 2018 MicroLocal and Time Frequency Analysis, Torino, Italy
Lecture: Weyl transform on the space of tempered distributions
16-19 May 2018 14th Serbian Mathematical Congress, Kragujevac, Serbia
Lecture: Space of tempered distributions on positive orthant
1-3 Feb 2017 A life in mathematics, Torino, Italy
Lecture: Spaces of ultradistributions on R_(+〖^d〗) with applications to pseudo-differentialoperators with radial symbols
15-18 Jun 2016 VI Congress of Mathematicians of Macedonia, Ohrid, Macedonia
Lecture: Structure theorems for G-type spaces of ultradistributions over R+⬚d
3-6 Jun 2010 Generalized Functions Special Edition, Novi Sad, Serbia
Weyl transform in space of ultradistribitions
Engaging Teaching
- Mathematics
- Statistics
Selected papers
- Jaksic Smiljana, Maksimovic Snjezana, Pilipovic Stevan (2018) An algebraic approach to tempered ultradistributions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 466(1):927-935.
- Jaksic Smiljana, Pilipovic Stevan, Prangoski Bojan (2017) G-type spaces of ultradistributions through and the Weyl pseudo-differential operators with radial symbols, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas Fisicas Y Naturales Serie A-Mathematics, 111(3):613-640.
- Јaksic Smiljana, Maksimovic Snjezana, Pilipovic Stevan, Prangoski Bojan (2017) Relations between Hermite and Laguerre expansions of ultradistributions over and , Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications, 8(2):275-296.
- Јaksic Smiljana,Maksimovic Snjezana (2017) Factrorization of operators with and , Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics, 47(1):69-75
- Jaksic Smiljana, Prangoski Bojan (2016) Extension theorem of Whitney type for by the use of the Kernel Theorem, Publications de l’Institut Mathématique Beograd, 99 (113):59-65.