


          The Chair of seed science, nursery production and afforestation is one of seven organizational units of the Faculty of Forestry Department of Forestry at the University of Belgrade. The chair consists of two full professors, one associate professor, one assistant professor, two assistants, a senior research fellow, one research fellow and two laboratory technicians. Within the Chair there is a Laboratory for the testing of seeds and seedlings, the Laboratory for wood anatomy, the Laboratory for Biotechnology and the Center for monitoring and conservation of forest genetic resources.

The teachers and associates of the Chair cover a number of scientific disciplines which belong to the scientific field of seed science, nursery production and afforestation. Teaching is carried out at all three levels of the study (undergraduate, master and PhD) and includes the following fields: Botany, the anatomy of wood, herbs, forest genetics, plant breeding, breeding of ornamental plants, conservation of forest genetic resources, seed science, nursery practice, afforestation and bioremediation. Since the academic year 2014/15 the Department introduced a new module in master’s degree studies of the study program Forestry entitled: Plant production and conservation of forest genetic resources, which puts emphasis on contemporary trends in both forestry and environmental protection.

The Chair has a leading position in research and professional work in the field of biotechnology in forestry, which is reflected in the implementation of many projects, which were funded by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management – Forest Directorate, Ministry of the environment, PE “Srbijašume”, Secretariat for environmental protection of Belgrade, etc. In the past ten years, a total of 22 local projects have been implemented. In the same period, teachers and associates participated in 6 projects within European Cooperation in Science and Technology: COST Action 52 (2008-2010); FPS COST Action FP0801 (2008-2012); COST Action FP0905 (2010-2014); COST Action ES1101 (2011-2014); FPS COST Action FP1305 (2014 to 2018); FPS COST Action FP1103 (2012-2016).

 Mentoring at all levels of study is an integral part of the teaching activities and part of the long tradition of the Chair. The long Chair history, during which subjects developed, while new ones were formed is the result of work and dedication of those people who were and still are its members.