Chair subjects
The first level of studies (Bachelor) are undergraduate studies. In the study program of this cycle of studies, students acquire theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of forestry, which qualifies them to continue their studies in a more specific direction. The lessons last for four years (eight semesters), after which students acquire 240 ECTS and the professional title forest engineer in the field of forestry.
Subjects of the Chair of seed science, nursery practice and afforestation at the undergraduate level are:
1. Forest Botany and anatomy of wood
2. Anatomy of wood
3. Systematics of medicinal herbs
4. Forest Genetics
5. Plant Breeding
6. Breeding of ornamental plants
7. Seed science, nursery practice and afforestation
8. Plantation forestry
9. Seed science and nursery practice
In the study program Forestry, the Chair implements Module 1: Plant production and conservation of forest genetic resources. The course lasts for one year (two semesters), during which students acquire theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of biotechnology, industrial production of medicinal plants and conservation of forest genetic resources in which they can produce a final (master) thesis. After completing master academic studies, students acquire the academic title Master of Forestry.
The subjects of the chair of seed science, nursery practice and afforestation in master studies are:
- Industrial production of medicinal herbs
- Conservation and directed utilization of forest genetic resources
- Biotechnology in the propagation of woody species
- Quantitative genetics
- Afforestation for special purposes
The Chair of seed science, nursery practice and afforestation participates in the implementation of the study program of doctoral studies in the Module Forestry, submodule M 1.1. – Seed science, nursery practice and afforestation. The lessons last for three years (six semesters) and students acquire 180 ECTS. The study program of the sub-module provides a higher level of theoretical and practical knowledge in wood anatomy, molecular genetics, plant breeding, plantation and industrial production and bioremediation.
The subjects of the Chair of seed science, nursery production and afforestation in doctoral studies are:
- Comparative anatomy of wood
- Plantation production of medicinal, aromatic herbs and spices
- Breeding for selected properties
- Molecular genetics of forest trees
- Targeted production of forest reproductive material
- Bioremediation