
Department of ecological engineering for soil and water resources protection


Through all three levels of study in the implementation of scientific research and the expansion of public information, we strengthen the capacity for teamwork, develop cooperation and realize common interests with environmental, biological and technical systems. We nurture and strengthen the strong relationships we have with water management, agricultural and forestry organizations, organizations dealing with the protection of water and soil resources and natural resources associated with them, the protection of the environment and the community.


The Department of ecological engineering for soil and water resources protection tends to become the national center in the field of higher education and research in integrated programs in its field.


The main objective of this study program is to train candidates for the solving of complex problems related to soil and water as a fundamental natural resource determining  the overall development of society.
The specific objectives of the study program are:
1. Incentive, interdisciplinary education, which combines ecological / biological and classical engineering disciplines;
2. Understanding of the basic principles of engineering and science;
3. Understanding the factors that affect design systems and decision-making, such as resource constraints, system constraints and recognition of engineering problems to be solved;
4. The training of highly qualified experts who will be able to affect application of ecological principles in engineering jobs in the economic sectors (water management, forestry, agriculture), both if they work in organizations that manage natural resources and companies that provide consulting services in the field of ecological engineering or government agencies

Teachers and associates