
International projects

  1. FULAR – Shaping new paths towards Furniture Circularity, IPA-ADRION00373, 2024-2027, contact prof. dr. Goran Milić. The FULAR project aims to enhance sustainability and circularity in the furniture sector of the IPA ADRION area by implementing a series of transnational actions, involving a consortium of partners from diverse countries, to develop and prototype innovative solutions, foster green transitions, and promote the adoption of circular approaches through studies, workshops, and contests.
  2. DRWO4.0 – Danube Region Wood Industry Transformation Model towards Industry 4.0 DRP0200218, 2024 – 2025, contact prof. dr Goran Milić, prof. dr Nebojša Todorović.
    The DRWO4.0 project addresses the challenges faced by less developed regions and non-EU countries in adapting to Industry 4.0 transformation, aiming to improve the wood industry’s readiness through a transnational approach. By developing a forest-based Industry 4.0 transformation model and fostering cross-border cooperation, the project seeks to enhance regional competitiveness and support policy development for sustainable growth.
  3. DECORATOR – Danubians Cradle-to-Cradle Architecture and construction processes. Interreg programme – Danube region DRP0200466, 2024 – 2026, koordinator za Šumarski fakultet je prof. dr Goran Milić. The main objective of the project is to implement the cradle-to-cradle method, utilizing advanced technologies, to integrate circularity within Danube architecture and building construction, considering the region’s unique challenges and available resources for innovative solutions. Additionally, the project seeks to incorporate the New European Bauhaus initiative to catalyze the industrial transformation of the construction sector.
  4. Systemic solutions for up scaling of urgent ecosystem restoration for forest-related biodiversity and ecosystem services, Horizon projects 2020, ID:1226400F-8DD9-4102-9AFE-431A598527EC, rukovodilac prof dr Vladan Ivetić, 2021 – 2025. yr, https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101036849https://www.cepf-eu.org/news/superb-project-%E2%80%93-upscaling-forest-restorationhttps://twitter.com/SUPERB_project
  5. Development of the Atlas of Honey Plant with the Apiary Cadastre ( MNE-MIDAS2-8820-ME-CQ-CS-20- financed by  The World bank  and  Montenegro Ministry of Agriculture  Forestry and Water Management , koordinator za Šumarski faklutet je dr Jelena Beloica, vanr.prof., 2021-2023.yr
  6. The project Fem4Forest “Forests in Women’s Hands” (2020-2022) involved 14 partners from 10 countries (Slovenia, Croatia, Austria, Germany, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Romania, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Ukraine). The project was funded under the Interreg Danube Transnational Program. The leading partner is the Forestry Institute of Slovenia. In Serbia, the project partner is the University of Belgrade-Faculty of Forestry, and the associated strategic partner is the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management-Directorate for Forests. The main objective of Fem4Forest was to strengthen the forest sector at local, regional and interregional level trough increased involvement and ability of women actors by supporting their equal presence and competences at the market in Danube Region. The planned activities were demand-driven and targeted 3 most crucial components: social inclusion, gender equality and economic independency. More info available at: Fem4Forest Project presentation-SRB and https://www.interreg-danube.eu/approved-projects/fem4forest
  7. Horizon 2020 – identification number: H2020-SFS-2014-2: Pest Organisms Threatening Europe (POnTE), University of Belgrade – Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, duration 2015-2018, koordinator za Šumarski faklutet je Prof. dr Nenad Keča.
  8. International Network PCLIM – International research network about the adaptive response of processionary moths and their associated organisms to climate change. Koordinator za Srbiju Prof. dr Milka Glavendekić http://www.accaf.inra.fr/en/Actions-and-Projects/adaptation_animal_plant_health/PCLIM
  9. In 2019, the project “Strengthening of teaching, research and networking capacities at the Faculty of Forestry University of Belgrade in Serbia in respects of climate changes” Reg. No. 22-ČRA19-03_05
  10. CA COST Action CA16208 Knowledge conversion for enhancing management of European riparian ecosystems and serveces, 2017-2020, MC member Prof. dr. Mirjana Šijačić-Nikolić http://www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/ca/CA16208
  11. DIABOLO – Distributed, Integrated and Harmonised Forest Information for Bioeconomy Outlooks. European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 633464, 2015–2019. Project partner: Faculty of Forestry – University of Belgrade, Chair for Forest Management Planning, Leader for Faculty: Prof dr Damjan Pantić,  http://diabolo-project.eu/
  12. Project: East and South European Network for Invasive Alien Species – A tool to support the management of alien species in Bulgaria (ESENIAS-TOOLS), D-33-51, 2015-2016. Project partner Department for Biologie, University of Novi Sad, project participant Prof. dr. Milka Glavendekić
  13. FPS COST Action FP1406 Pine pitch canker – strategies for management of Gibberella Circinata in greenhouses and forests (PINESTRENGTH), 2015-2019, MC member: Prof. dr. Nenad Keča http://www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/fps/FP1406
  14. FPS COST Action FP1407 Understanding wood modification through an integrated scientific and environmental impact approach (ModWoodLife), 2015-2019, MC member: Dr. Goran Milić http://www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/fps/FP1407
  15. FPS COST Action FP1305 Linking belowground biodiversity and ecosystem function in European forests (BioLink), 2014-2018, MC member: Prof. dr. Mirjana Šijačić-Nikolić http://www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/fps/FP1305
  16. FPS COST Action FP1401 A global network of nurseries as early warning system against alien tree pests (GLOBAL WARNING), 2014-2018, MC member: Prof. dr. Milka Glavendekić http://www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/fps/FP1401
  17. COST Targeted Network 1401: Capacity Building in Forest Policy and Governance in Western Balkan Region (CAPABAL), 2014-2016, MC member: Dr. Nenad Petrović http://www.cost.eu/about_cost/strategy/targeted_networks/capabal
  18. FPS COST Action FP1403 Non-native tree species for European forests – experiences, risks and opportunities (NNEXT), 2014-2018, MC member: Dr. Ljiljana Keča http://www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/fps/FP1403
  19. FPS COST Action FP1301 Innovative management and multifunctional utilization of traditional coppice forests – an answer to future ecological, economic and social challenges in the European forestry sector (EuroCoppice), 2013-2017, MC member: Prof. dr. Milun Krstić http://www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/fps/FP1301
  20. FPS COST Action FP1303 Performance of bio-based building materials, 2013-2017, MC member: Dr. Goran Milić http://www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/fps/FP1303
  21. FА COST Action TD1209 European System for Alien Species (АLIEN CHALLENGE) European Cooperation in Science and Technology, 2013-2017, MC member: MC Substitute: Prof. dr. Milka Glavendekić http://www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/fa/TD1209
  22. Multipurpose trees and non-wood forest products a challenge and opportunity (StarTree); European Commission’s FP7 Cooperation Work Programme 2012-2016; Dr. Jelena Nedeljković – koordinator Regionalne studije slučaja http://star-tree.eu/project
  23. FPS COST Action FP1201 Forest Land Ownership Changes in Europe: Significance for Management And Policy (FACESMAP), 2012-2016, MC Substitute: Dr. Jelena Nedeljković http://www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/fps/FP1201
  24. FPS COST Action FP1204: Green Infrastructure approach: linking environmental with social aspects in studying and managing urban forests, 2012-2017, MC member: Dr. Nevena Vasiljević http://www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/fps/FP1204
  25. FPS COST Action FP1203 European non-wood forest products (NWFPs) network, 2012-2016, MC member: Dr. Ljiljana Keča http://www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/fps/FP1203
  26. ESSEM COST Action ES1101 Harmonizing Global Biodiversity Modelling (HarmBio) 2012-2016, MC member: Prof. dr. Mirjana Šijačić-Nikolić http://www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/essem/ES1101
  27. FPS COST Action FP1103 Fraxinus dieback in Europe: elaborating guidelines and strategies for sustainable management (FRAXBACK), 2011-2016, MC member: Prof. dr. Nenad Keča http://www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/fps/FP1103
  28. FPS COST Action FP1006 Bringing new functions to wood through surface modification, 2011-2015, MC member: Prof. dr. Milanka Djiporović-Momčilović http://www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/fps/FP1006