Olivera Košanin
E-mail: olivera.kosanin@sfb.bg.ac.rs
Cabinet: 132
Consultation: Monday and Thursday, 10.00-12.00 h
Dr. Olivera Kosanin was born on 25th October 1968. in Krupanj where she finished elementary and high school. She enrolled in the University of Belgrade- Faculty of Forestry in the 1987/88. school year, and graduated in 1992., with an average grade of 9.50, as the best graduate student of the generation. In April 1993., she started working at the University of Belgrade- Faculty of Forestry, as an associate at the Department of Forestry. She worked on the preparation of exercises in the course „Pedology for foresters“. She enrolled in postgraduate studies in Forestry- field of pedology for foresters, in the 1993/94. school year. By the decision of the Electoral Council of the Faculty of Forestry and the Professional Council of the University of Belgrade, on 16th June, 1995. she was elected as an assistant-trainee in the course „Pedology for foresters“. She defended her master’s thesis entitled „The role of organic matter in the evolution of soil morphology within the A-C stage on Deliblato Sands“ on 15th May, 2001., and acquired the academic title of „Master of Forestry Sciences in Forestry“.
After obtaining the academic degree of Master of Science, she was elected on 5th July, 2001., to the title of assistant for the narrower scientific field of Forest Ecology, course „Pedology for foresters“, that is „Forest pedology“, and re-elected for the first time on 10th June, 2005., and 25th September, 2009. for the second time.
She defended her PhD dissertation entitled „Podzolised acid brown soil in Serbia- forming conditions, properties, production potential and distribution“ on 17th June, 2011. and acquired the right to the academic title of Doctor of Forestry in the field of forestry.
In her work, so far, she has published more than 80 bibliographic items, independently or with other authors. She is also the author of a practicum in course „Pedology“. Also, she participated in the realization of more than 25 scientific research projects. She participated in 4 commissions for evaluation and defense of PhD dissertations, 1 master’s thesis, 12 commissions for defense of graduate- master’s thesis, and in 4 commissions she was a mentor. She also participated, as a member or mentor, in 298 commissions for defense of Bachelor thesis or final work.
Scientific area
Forest ecology, protection and improvement of the environment
Selected papers
Olivera Košanin, Milan Knežević, Rade Cvjetićanin (2014): Basification Process in some Forest Soils in the Area of Mountain Miroč. A Cooperating Series of the International Union of Soil Science. Challenges. Sustainable Land Management – Climate Change. Advances in Geoecology 43. Catena Verlag GMBH, Germany, pp 12-24.
Cvjetićanin, R., Knežević, M., Košanin, O., Novaković, M., Perović, M. (2012): Florističke i edafske karakteristike zajednica mezijske bukve i mečje leske (Corylo colurnae–fagetum Jov. 1979) u NP “Đerdap” u Srbiji. International Scientific Conference „Forests in future, sustainable use, risks and challenges“. PROCEEDINGS. PP 217-227.
Cvjeticanin, Р., Košanin, О, Janić, M., Nikić, Z., Perović, M., Novaković-Vuković, M. (2013): Floristic and ecological characteristics of beech and heather plant community (Calluno-Fagetum moesiacae Cvj. 2003) in the National park “Đerdap”. International Scientific Conference. Forestry science and practice for the purpose of sustainable development of forestry-20 years of the faculty of forestry in Banja Luka. PROCEEDINGS. PP 229-245. Banja Luka, republic of Srpska/B&H
Belanović Simić, S., Knežević, M., Košanin, O., Кadović, R., Мiljković, P., Vićentijević, M., Jelena, B. (2015): Potencijalni ekološki rizik od sadržaja štetnih mikroelemenata u zemljištima opštine Pančevo (Srbija). Zbornik radova „Zemljište 2015-II savetovanje sa međunarodnim učešćem-Planiranje i upravljanje zemljištem u funkciji održivog razvoja“ i „I konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem-Remedijacija 2015“. Str. 37-45. Sremski Karlovci.
Košanin, O., Knežević, M., Belanović-Simić, S., Vićentijevuć, M. (2016): Edaphic characteristics of degraded areas in Zlatibor. 3rd Conference of the World association of Soil and Water Coservation. August 22-26. Belgrade, 121
Belanović, S., Petrović, V., Vidojević, D., Kostadinov, S., Knežević, M., Kadović, R., Košanin, O. (2013): Assessment of soil erosion intensity in Kolubara district, Serbia. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin.By PSP, Volume 22 – No 5a.
Kostadinov, S., Zlatić, M., Dragićević, S., Novković, I., Košanin, O., Borisavljević, A., Lakićević, M., Mlađan, D. (2013): Antropogenic influence on erosion intensity changes in the Rasina river watershed-Central Serbia. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin.By PSP, Volume 23 – No 1a. pp. 254-263.
Velibor D. Blagojević, Milan N. Knežević, Olivera D. Košanin, Marijana B. Kapović-Solomun, Radovan J. Lučić and Saša M. Eremija (2016): Edaphic characteristics of austrian pine forests in the Višegrad area. Arch Biol Sci. 68 (2). Pp 355-362
Košanin, O., Novaković-Vuković, M., Knežević, M., Milošević, R. (2016): Influence of soil properties on the mean maximum height of beech ecological units in the region of Veliki Jasterbac. 3rd Conference of the World association of Soil and Water Coservation. August 22-26. Belgrade, 122-123