Milun Krstić
E-mail: milun.krstic@sfb.bg.ac.rs
Cabinet: 130
Consultation: Wednesday, 12-13 h
Retired professor. Dr Milun Krstić was born in 1952 in Aleksinac, Republic of Serbia. After finishing primary school, he finished secondary forestry-technological school in Kraljevo in 1973. He enrolled in the Department of Forestry at the Faculty of Forestry, University of Belgrade in 1973/74.
He graduated in 1978, received his master’s degree in 1982, and his doctorate in 1989. At the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Forestry (Chair of Silviculture), he was elected as an assistant trainee in 1978, and as an assistant in 1983. He was elected to the title of assistant professor in 1990, associate professor in 1995, and full professor in 2000.
In the previous period, he was on scientific training in several scientific institutions. He completed his specialization in Czecho-Slovakia at the Institute of Forest Ecology – Faculty of Forestry, Brno, in 1984. He was on study visits at the Faculty of Forestry in Zagreb in 1987 and at the Technical Faculty in Kiev in 1990, as the leader of the forestry delegation of the republic conference of young researchers of Serbia. He established scientific cooperation and professional contacts with several scientific institutions abroad, where he visited several times – forestry faculties in Sofia, Brno, Moscow, Skopje, Banja Luka, and with other forestry faculties in the former Yugoslavia, Forestry Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in Sofia and the Institute of Forest Ecology in Brno.
Since 2002, he has the status of an expert for development and science in the field of forestry and ecology.
He reads and writes Russian and English, and he is familiar with Czech and Bulgarian.
Scientific activity
Within the scientific and professional work in the past period, he was the manager or researcher in the implementation of 53 scientific research projects in the field of forestry and ecology, funded by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, Ministry of Forestry and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia, the Serbian Forest Fund, etc. He was engaged in international projects as an expert in Serbia of of Eurapaean project „Development of agri-food research in the Western Balkan Countries” Project BAFN (Balkan Agri-Food Network) survey (2007‒2008); associate on the project UN FAO „GCP/YUG/003/FIN ‒ Forest Sector Development in Serbia” (2012‒2013): member of working group 2 – (Economic functions of forests); member of working group 5 – (Education in Serbia) for the development of the National Action Program, FAO Coordination Office, Belgrade; researcher on the project “Biotechnical measures for protection and restoration of forests in the Republic of Srpska” (2008). Project of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Srpska, B&H. Scientific institution that implements the project: Faculty of Forestry, University of Banja Luka. Project manager: Dr. Zoran Govedar; associate and national coordinator of the COST project FP1301 „EuroCoppice” – Ecology and Silvicultural Management of Coppice Forests in Europe (2014‒2017). Project Coordinator prof. Gero Becker, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany.
In his work so far, he has published over 340 bibliographic units from the scientific field silviculture – regeneration and care of natural and artificially established stands, silviculture of special-purpose forests, conversion of coppice forests, reclamation of degraded forests, ecology of forests and forest habitats. The total number of scientific papers is 278, which were published in national and international scientific journals (and from the SCI list), in proceedings of 59 international and 26 national scientific conferences, where he had plenary, invitational and introductory papers and was a moderator of conferences.
He is the author of 2 monographs of national importance and the author or co-author of 16 chapters in other monographs.
Papers are cited in a number of scientific papers, master’s theses, specialist theses, doctoral dissertations, textbooks, monographs and professional books.
He was a member of the scientific committee of a number of scientific conferences in the country and abroad and a reviewer of papers in a number of scientific journals in the country and abroad. In the current period, he is a member of the editorial board of scientific journals: “Forestry” Belgrade, “Bulletin of the Faculty of Forestry, University of Banja Luka”. He was the mentor of 138 graduate theses, 3 specialist theses, 21 master’s theses, 5 magister’s theses and 2 doctoral dissertations. He was a member and president of a large number of commissions for evaluation and defense of works of all the above categories, and commissions for elections to teaching and scientific titles in the country and abroad.
Professional activities
He was a member of the scientific board of scientific conferences, a reviewer of papers in scientific journals, a member of the editorial board of scientific journals in the country and abroad. He is the founder of the Center for monitoring, data collection and processing of data in the field of silviculture at the Faculty of Forestry.
As an expert, he was engaged in the preparation and implementation of 17 seminars in the field of silviculture and management of natural beech and oak forests and artificially established stands for the needs of the forest economy (14 in Serbia and 3 in Republic of Srpska). He has a certificate on the use of GPS technology in forestry.
In the previous period, he performed the following professional activities: he was a member of the Commission for recognition, approval and protection of forest plant varieties – subcommittee for hardwood and coniferous trees of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture; member of the Commission of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Serbia for taking the professional exam of forest engineers; member of the expert Commission for the audit of forest bases; member of the Commission for diagnosing the condition of trees in tree lines and green areas in Belgrade; member of the Commission for management with park-forest Titov gaj; consultant in works on landscaping of schoolyards and maintenance of greenery; expert advisor of the Center for teaching bases of the Faculty of Forestry on issues related to the organization, teaching and scientific research; expert advisor for jobs in the field of silviculture within the teaching bases of the Faculty of Forestry in Belgrade.
He is a member of several professional organizations and societies in the country and abroad. In the previous period, he was a member and deputy president of the Council of Biotechnical Sciences of the University of Belgrade; head of the Chair of silviulture for several terms; member of the Management Board of the PE for forest management “Srbijasume”; member of IUFRO, Division 1 – Silviculture; member of the steering committee (MC Member) and national coordinator of COST Action FP1301 “EuroCoppice”; member of the management board of the Association of Forestry Engineers and Technicians of Serbia for several terms.
Teaching literature
As a result of many years of work on teaching subjects in the scientific field of silviculture, he is the author or co-author of 4 textbooks, 5 scripts (authorized lectures), 2 practicums, 2 collections of assignments for exercises in the scientific field of silviculture.
He is the author of the textbook: Silviculture – conversion, reclamation and artificial regeneration (2006). He is the co-author of three textbooks with prof. dr Lj. Stojanovic – Silviculture III – regeneration and forest care of the main tree species (2000), and Silviculture – Methods of Natural Regeneration and Forest Care (2008); with prof. dr. Z. Govedar – Silviculture of special-purpose forests (2016).
He initiated the introduction of new subjects, prepared the curriculum and teaching literature (authorized lectures) for the following subjects: Forest amelioration (2002); Silviculture of special-purposes forests (2008); Modeling and GIS in silviculture (2009/10); Silviculture of special-purposes forest cultures (2014), and co-authored with dr. V. Babić: Climate of forest and urban areas of Serbia (2015). He is the author of the Practicum for exercises in silviculture (1992), reprint (1995); co-author of the practicum with B. Kanjevac: Silviculture 2 (2017). He is the author of tasks for exercises with appropriate instructions: Tasks for exercises in Silviculture 1 (1985); Tasks for exercises in Forest Reclamation and Silviculture II (2001). He is the author of multimedia contents in the form of PowerPoint presentations, which are used for lectures and exercises, for subjects in the scientific field of silviculture.
Dr. Milun Krstić is the author of two monographs of national importance: „Sessile oak forests of the Djerdap area – condition and silvicultural measures” (2003), Akademska misao, Belgrade, pp. 1‒136; „Beech coppice forests of northeastern Serbia”, with collaborators in some chapters (2005), Faculty of Forestry ‒ Belgrade, Institute of Forestry – Belgrade, pp. 1‒206. He is the co-author of 16 special chapters within several monographs, among others in two leading monographs of national importance: monograph „Beech (Fagus moesiaca /Domin, Maly/ Czeczott.) in Serbia“, (2005), pp. 1‒517, Association of Forestry Engineers and Technicians of Serbia, Faculty of Forestry University of Belgrade; monograph „Sessile oak in Serbia”, (2007) pp. 1‒497, University of Belgrade – Faculty of Forestry, Association of Forestry Engineers and Technicians of Serbia. He is the co-author of a special chapter “Development of silviculture” in the monograph “Forestry and wood processing through the centuries”, (1992) SIT Serbia, Belgrade, pp. 40‒47.
Research interests
Silviculture of commercial forests – natural and artificial regeneratiron of forest, forest care, conversion of coppice forests, amelioration of degraded forests and bio-amelioration of forest habitats;
Influence of ecological factors on forests and forests on ecological factors; bioecological characteristics of forest trees;
Silviculture of special-purpose forests – protective-ameliorative forests and forests of special importance; Silvicultural analytics – modeling, visualization and simulation of silvicultural works and measures;
Climatic and vegetation characteristics of the area.
Engaging Teaching
Prof. dr. Milun Krstić was hired to teach the subject of the scientific field of silviculture at all three levels of study.Undergraduate studies: Ecology of silviculture and silviculture 1, Silviculture 2, Silviculture of special-purpose forests. At the Center for Multidisciplinary Studies in Belgrade, he was hired to teach postgraduate studies in the subject of Reclamation and
Revitalization of Forest Ecosystems at the Department for Environmental Management. He gave several invited lectures at the Faculty of Forestry in Banja Luka.
He is now engaged in a number of subjects in master’s and doctoral studies in the scientific field of silviculture of the study program forestry.
Master’s degree studies
- Research methods and techniques in silviculture – compulsory subject
- Silvicuture 2 ‒ compulsory subject
- Silviculture of Special-Purpose Forests – elective subject
- Silvicultural analytics – elective subject
Master’s degree studies in English
- Silviculture ‒ elective subject
Doctoral (PhD) studies
- Silviculture in hilly-mountaneous areas ‒ elective subject
- Silviculture of Special-Purpose Forests – elective subject
- Silvicultural analytics – elective subject
Selected papers
- Krstic, M.(2008) Effect of the local heat potential on the distribution of sessile oak forests. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, Volume 22, No 3, pp. 804-809. Publisher: Diagnosis Press, Sofia, Bulgaria.
- Krstić, M., Stojanović, LJ., Rakonjac Lj. (2010) The tasks of siviculture in regard to the curent climate change. International Scientific Conference “Forest ecosystems and climate changes“. Institute of Forestry Belgrade, March 9-10th. Plenary lectures pg. 117-130. Chief Editor: Ph.D Ljubinko Rakonjac.
- Krstic M.,Govedar Z. (2012) Tasks of silviculture with special emphasis on the conversion of degraded forests. Ivited paper. International Scientific Conference: Forestry science and practice for the purpose of sustainable development of forestry – 20 years of the Faculty of forestry in Banjaluka. Plenary lecture. Proceedings, 447-464. Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska/B&H. 1th – 4th November.
- Krstić, M., Aleksić, P., Stavretović, N., Cvjetićanin, R., Bjelanović I. (2013) Effects Of Soil Preparation On Success Of Artificial Beech Regeneration In Areas Infested By Weed Plants On Južni Kučaj Mountain. Arch. Biol. Sci., Belgrade, 65 (2). 621-629.
- Krstić M., Cvjetićanin R., Smailagić, J., Govedar Z. (2014) Climate-vegetation characteristics of Kopaonik mountain in Serbia. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 9, No. 3, p. 135 – 145.
- Govedar, Z., Krstić, M., Keren, S., Babić, V., Zlokapa, B., Kanjevac, B. (2018): Actual and Balanced Stand Structure: Examples from Beech-Fir-Spruce Old-Growth Forests in the Area of the Dinarides in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sustainability 2018, 10, Issue 2, 540; pg. 1–15. Sustainability Editorial Office, Basel, Switzerland, ISSN 20711050, https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/10/2. Kategorija rada: M22.
- Krstić, M., Kanjevac, B., Babić, V. (2018): Effects of extremely high temperatures on some growth parameters of sessile oak (Quercus petraea/Matt./Liebl.) seedlings in northeastern Serbia, Archives of Biological Sciences, Vol. 70, No. 3, pp. 521-529, Serbian Biological Society, Beograd, Kategorija rada: M23.
- Krstić, M., Babić, V., Kanjevac, B. (2019): Climate characteristics of a hilly-mountainous area in eastern Serbia. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, Volume 28 – No. 7/2019, pg. 5061-5069.
- Kanjevac B., Krstić, M., Babić, V., Govedar Z. (2021) Regeneration Dynamics and Development of Seedlings in Sessile Oak Forests in Relation to the Light Availability and Competing Vegetation. Forests 2021, 12(4), 384; pg. 2-15. Published: 24 March 202. Basel (This article belongs to the Section Forest Ecology and Management). Impact Factor: 2.221 (2019); 5-Year Impact Factor: 2.484 (2019). Journal Rank: JCR – Q1 (Forestry). Kategorija M 21
- Krstić, M. (1996): “Mogućnost planiranja prorednih zahvata (seča) korišćenjem lokalnog stanišnog modela razvoja stabala”. Šumarstvo br. 3, str. 23-30, Beograd.
- Krstić M., Ranković N., Aleksić P. (2017) Analiza kretanja veličine površine uzgojnih radova u Сrbiji u periodu 1990-2015. godine. Šumarstvo 3-4, UŠITS, Šumarski fakultet, Beograd. str. 25-40.UDK 630*2(497.11)“1990/2015“. Kategorija rada: M24.
- Krstić, M. (1998):”Šume hrasta kitnjaka – značaj, rasprostranjenje, stanje i uzgojne mere”. Pregledni rad. Šumarstvo br. 1, Beograd, 3-28.