Ljiljana Keča
E-mail: ljiljana.keca@sfb.bg.ac.rs
Cabinet: 57
Consultation: Tuesday 10.00-12.00 a.m.
Dr Ljiljana Keča graduated in 2000 at the Faculty of Forestry in Belgrade, Department – Forestry. She defended her Master Thesis in 2003 entitled: “Strategic bases and approach to the development of the National Forestry Program”. She defended her PhD in 2009 at the Faculty of Forestry in Belgrade, the thesis entitled: “Economic profitability of wood production in poplar plantations in Ravni Srem”.
In the period January 2001 – June 2002, she worked as a student demonstrator in the subject Forest Economics. In April 2004, she was hired as an assistant at the Department of Economics and Organization of Forestry, Faculty of Forestry in Belgrade.
Since 2010, when she was elected as Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Forestry in Belgrade, she has been participating in practice and lectures in the group of subjects: Forest Economics; Trade in forest products; Marketing of forest products and Forest Policy, at all three levels of study.
At the undergraduate studies, she was engaged at the Faculty of Agriculture in East Sarajevo (study program – Forestry), in the subjects Marketing and Forest Economics. At the international Master’s program (Forest policy & economics education & research – FOPER 1 & 2), in the period 2007-2012, as an assistant teacher, she was engaged in six courses.
In the period 2003-2004 she was at the University of Aberdeen as a Research Assistant and specialized in the field of Forestry Policy and Forest Economics. Later, in the period May-September 2005, she was a scholarship holder of the Norwegian Government at the University of Ås, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Department of Ecology & Natural Resource Management. In the same year, she had scholarship from the Swiss Government. As part of the Erasmus+ program, in November 2018 she was in Poland (Poznań University of Life Science). She has published over 150 professional and scientific articles and participated in a number of international scientific conferences and symposia in the country and abroad. According to the Google Scholar database, articles were cited 304 times (March 2021).
Dr Ljiljana Keča was a mentor of a number of Master’s, and Final theses in the field of Forest Economics, Trade and Marketing of Forest Products. She is a reviewer in journals such as: Baltic Forestry, SEEFOR, Ecological Economics, Forestry Ideas, Small Scale Forestry, and International Forestry Review). She is also a member of the following bodies and organizations: Association of Forestry Engineers and Technicians of Serbia, IUFRO, COST, EFI, Association for Medicinal & Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries (AMAPSEEC), etc., and coordinator within the IUFRO group 4.05.04 – Forest-based value chains.
Dr Ljiljana Keča, so far, is co-author of two books:
- Ranković N., Keča LJ. (2007): Forestry Policy of Serbia, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry, Belgrade (480)
- Ranković N., Keča LJ. (2011): Trade and marketing of forest products, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry, Belgrade (564)
She is also the author of a practicum and a monograph of national importance:
- Keča Lj. (2014): Forest Economics, Practicum with excerpts from the theory and solved tasks, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry, Belgrade (142)
- Keča, Lj., Keča N., Marčeta M. (2015): Non-wood forest products, Socio-economic and ecological aspects, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry, Belgrade (270).
All of them are used at the Faculty of Forestry of the University of Belgrade in teaching appropriate subjects, at all three levels of study within the scientific field of Forestry Policy, Economics and Organization of Forestry and Trade in Forest Products.
In terms of scientific research, Dr Ljiljana Keča, as a researcher, participates in two projects of the Ministry of Science and Technological Development (TR 31041; TR 37008). She was the project manager of the Ministry of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Management “Chain of creating value of forest products and their role in the development of the forestry sector of Serbia”. In addition, she was a representative for Serbia on the following projects: COST action FP1403 (NNEXT); COST action FP1203 (NWFPs). As an external expert, she was involved in the project – Improving the funding system through the diversification of sources of income (UNDP, GEF), while as a researcher she participates in several international projects: TN1401 (CAPABAL); FP 7 project (SEE-ERA); EFI (SPEECH); COST action FP0801; COST action FP1002 (PERMIT); EuropeAid/131725/C/SER /RS (EU Project Establishment of the Regional Heritage Center in Senjski Rudnik Old Mine); HORIZON 2020 “Pest Organisms Threatening Europe – POnTE” and others. As a lecturer, she was part of the project and participated in the Master Program (EFI-FOPER I & II).
In addition, Dr Ljiljana Keča is the founder of the Innovation Center for Economics, Trade and Marketing in Forestry (CETM) at the Faculty of Forestry, which deals with current issues in the field of forestry within multidisciplinary research. At the Faculty of Forestry in Belgrade, she was a member of the Council, a member of the accreditation commission of the Department of Forestry, a member of the body for the promotion of the faculty, etc.
She is the Deputy Head of the Department of Bioeconomics, Policy and Organization of Management in Forestry and Nature Protection.
She is fluent in English and French.
Scientific area
Forestry policy, economics and organization of forestry and trade in forest products (under the new accreditation: Bioeconomics, policy and organization of management in forestry and nature protection).
Research interests
- Macroeconomics – theory and application in forestry
- Microeconomics – theory and application in forestry
- Forest valuation
- Forestry products market
- Investment in forestry
- Ecological economy
- Value chain of forest products
- Bioeconomics
- Econometric modeling in forestry
- National forestry policy
- International forest policy
- Trade and market in forestry
- Trade policy and regulation of trade in goods
- Transport, freight forwarding and logistics
- Sales contracts and other commodity documents
- Standards and standardization in forestry
- Sale and purchase of forest products
- Marketing research in forestry
- Principles of marketing in forestry
- Marketing activities
- Marketing of forest products
Engaging Teaching
Basic academic studies
- Compulsory subject: Forest economics
- Compulsory subject: Trade in forest products
- Elective subject: Forest policy and legislation
- Elective subject: Marketing of forest products
- Elective subject: Economic geography of forest resources
Master studies
- Compulsory subject: Research methods and techniques in forestry economics and organization
- Compulsory subject: Forest economics
- Elective subject: Trade in forest products
- Elective subject: Forest policy
- Elective subject: Investment in forestry
- Elective subject: Marketing of forest products
Doctoral studies
- Elective subject: Forest economics
- Elective subject: Trade in forest products
- Elective subject: Forest policy
- Elective subject: Investments in forestry infrastructure
- Elective subject: Marketing management in forestry
Selected papers
International monographs (M10)
- Bonet J.A, Egli S., Krisai-Greilhuber I, Bouriaud L., Castaño C., Colinas C, de-Miguel S., Grebenc T, Keča Lj., Keča N., Latorre J., Louro R., Martín-Pinto M, Martínez de Aragón J., Martínez-Peña F., Oliveira P., Oria-de-Rueda J.A., Pla T., Santos-Silva C., Stara K., Tomao A., Urban A., Vidale E., Zgrablić Ž. (2020): Mushrooms & truffles, “Non-Wood Forest Products in Europe”, Editors: Vacik H., Hale M., Spiecker H., Pettenella D., Tomé M., BoD – Books on Demand GmbH, Norderstedt, Germany (211-246)
- Abraham E., Chatzopoulou P., Geirdal A., Kyriazopoulos A.P., Labokas J., Magnúsdóttir L., Marčeta M., Keča Lj., Radusiene J., Stoyanova M., Stoyanov N., Vasile D. (2020): NWFP from Understory Plants in Europe, in “Non-Wood Forest Products in Europe”, Editors: Vacik H., Hale M., Spiecker H., Pettenella D., Tomé M., BoD – Books on Demand GmbH, Norderstedt, Germany (303–331)
- Lyubenova M., Petrov J., Radev R., Keča Lj., Al-Tawaha, Chikalanov A. (2019): Forest Shelter Belts, Environmental and Economic benefits, in “Forest Ecosystem Services And Payment Schemes (Case Study)”, Editor: Lyubenova M., Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Sofia, Bulgaria (13–56) https://www.researchgate.net/publication/336847335_FOREST_ECOSYSTEM_SERVICES_AND_PAYMENT_SCHEMES_CASE_STUDY
- Keča Lj., Keča N., Borota D., Marčeta M. (2018): Prospectives of Non-Native Tree Species in Serbia, Advances in GeoEcology 45; M. Zlatić and S. Kostadinov (eds): Soil and water resources protection in the changing environment (150 – 160), ISBN 978-3-510-65418-5 and US-ISBN1-59326-267-1 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/329917336_Prospectives_of_Non-Native_Tree_Species_in_Serbia
- Andrašev S., Keča Lj., Orlović S., Grbić M. (2016): Country report-Serbia in „Non-Native Tree Species for European Forests: Experiences, Risks and Opportunities, COST Action FP1403 NNEXT Country Reports (2nd Edition), Editors: Hasenauer H., Gazda A., Konnert M., Lapin K., G.M.J.(Frits) Mohren, Spiecker H.,Van Loo M., Pötzelsberger E., University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria (312-331) https://www.researchgate.net/publication/309210754_NonNative_Tree_Species_for_European_Forests_Experiences_Risks_and_Opportunities_-_Serbia
International journals (M20)
- Posavec, S., Keča, Lj., Delić, S., Stojanovska, M. i Pezdevšek Malovrh, Š. (2021): Comparative analysis of selected business indicators of state forest companies, Šumarski list, 145 (1-2), 7-16 https://hrcak.srce.hr/252955
- Vuletić D., Krajter-Ostojić S., Keča Lj., Avdibegović M., Potočki K., Posavec S., Marković A., Pezdevšek-Malovrh Š. (2020): Water-Related Payment Schemes for Forest Ecosystem Services in Selected Southeast European (SEE) Countries, Forests 11(6): 654 https://www.mdpi.com/1999-4907/11/6/654
- Pötzelsberger E., et al. (2020): Mapping the patchy legislative landscape of non-native treespecies in Europe, Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research, 93(4): Oxford University Press, UK (567-586) https://academic.oup.com/forestry/article-abstract/93/4/567/5850529
- Nicolescu V.N. et al. (2020): Ecology, growth and management of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.), a non-native species integrated into European forests, Journal of Forestry Research 31, (1081-1101) https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11676-020-01116-8#citeas
- Keča Lj., Marčeta M., Božić G., Perić S., Tsvetkov I., Andreassen K., Stijović A., Mandžukovski D., Zlokapa B., Nicolescu V.N. (2019): Non-native tree species: strategies for sustainable management in Europe, International Forestry Review Vol. 21(3), Commonwealth Forestry Association, Shropshire, UK (295-314) https://www.ingentaconnect.com/contentone/cfa/ifr/2019/00000021/00000003/art00003
- Keča Lj. (2017): Value Chain Analysis and Socio Economic Aspects of Non-Wood Forest Products in Central Serbia, Austrian Journal of Forest Science 134(1a), Osterreichischer Agrarverlag GmbH, Vienna, Austria (63–80) http://www.forestscience.at/fileadmin/user_upload/forestscience/2017/CB1701A_Article04.pdf
- Keča Lj., Marčeta M. (2015): Export as Market Component and Development Perspective of NWFPs Sector in Central Serbia, Baltic Forestry, 21(2), (315-325) http://www.balticforestry.mi.lt/bf/PDF_Articles/201521[2]/Baltic%20Forestry%202015%2021(2)%20315_325%20Keca.pdf
- Ranković N., Pantić D., Keča Lj. (2013): Relationship Between the Values of Beech Timber (Fagus L.) and Tree Dimensions in Forest Thinning in Serbia, Baltic Forestry 19(1), (152-160) http://www.balticforestry.mi.lt/bf/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=9&Itemid=110
National monographs (M40)
- Keča, Lj., Keča N., Marčeta M. (2015): Nedrvni šumski proizvodi, Socio-ekonomski i ekološki aspekti, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Šumarski fakultet (ISBN 978-86-7299-232-8), (270)
- Ranković N., Keča Lj. (2007): Forestry Policy of Serbia, Faculty of Forestry, University of Belgrade, Belgrade (480)
- Ranković N., Keča LJ. (2011): Trade and marketing of forest products, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry, Belgrade (564)
- Keča Lj. (2014): Forest Economics, Practicum with excerpts from the theory and solved tasks, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry, Belgrade (142)