Katarina Lazarević
E-mail: katarina.lazarevic@sfb.bg.ac.rs
Cabinet: 6A
Consultation: Tuesday, 12.00–13.00; Wednesday, 12:00 to 13:00
Katarina Lazarević was born on March 1, 1990 in Čačak. After finishing high school in Lučani (2009), she enrolled in the Faculty of Forestry, Department of ecological engineering for soil and water resources protection. She graduated with a Bachelor’s in 2013 with a 9.10 GPA. She continued her master’s studies at the Faculty of Forestry (module Protection of water resources in hilly-mountainous areas) and received her master’s degree in 2014 with a 10.0 GPA. In the academic year 2014/2015 she enrolled in Ph.D. studies and was engaged as a student demonstrator (course: Hydraulics with Hydrology).
Since April 2015, she has been employed as a trainee researcher on the project of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development III 43007 “Research on climate change and its impact on the environment: monitoring the impact, adaptation, and mitigation” at the Faculty of Forestry, and since June 2015 on the project of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, Forest Administration: “Research of socio-economic aspects of risks due to climate change in forest areas”.
In April 2016, she was elected a teaching assistant at the Chair of Erosion and Torrent Control, Faculty of Forestry.
Scientific area
Erosion and soil and water conservation
Engaging Teaching
- Fundamentals of environmental protection (compulsory subject)
- Economics of natural resources protection (compulsory course)
Master studies
- Policy and management of sustainable land development
- Impact of socio-demographic development on natural resources development
- Natural capital valuation
Selected papers
Lazarević, K. (2015): Monitoring Torrential Processes in the Function of Torrential Floods Risk Management, Book of Abstracts: First International Forestry Student Conference in Serbia – FIFSCIS 2015, Belgrade – Special Nature Reserve Goč – Gvozdac 01-05 September 2015, pp. 54.