
Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology, Mendel University in Brno helps Faculty of Forestry University of Belgrade


Long-term positive relations between Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology of Mendel University in Brno and Faculty of Forestry of University of Belgrade resulted in a joint educational project „ Strengthening of teaching, research and networking capacities at the Faculty of Forestry University of Belgrade in Serbia in respects of climate changes” Reg. No. 22-ČRA19-03_05 suported by Czech Development Agency. The project has been intensively implemented within the year 2019 under the coordination of vice-dean Petr Kupec. Within the project, several joint meetings, seminar, consultations, field trips and joint research activities of employees of both faculties took place in Brno and Belgrade.

„The main objective of the project was to create an English Master´s degree program that will be accredited and taught at the Faculty of Forestry, University of Belgrade,“ said vice-dean Kupec, „adding that this objective was further supported by the acquisition of research and teaching equipment such as microscopes and plant stress metter, which will remain in the hands of Faculty of Forestry in Belgrade after the project. „I also consider creating teams of researchers from both institutions important,“ said Kupec, „even the first joint publications are being produced.

Due to proper publicity of the project, it is currently accentuated as significant footpring of Czech Forestry teachers in Serbia, both at the professional and social level. Presentation of project results and handover of equipment in Belgrade was supported by the presence of the Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Serbia, H. E. Tomáš Kuchta