Biljana Jović
E-mail: biljana.jovic@sfb.bg.ac.rs
Cabinet: No. 2 (new part of building)
Consultation: Monday, 12:00;
President of the Department Council Landscape Architecture and Horticulture 2022-2023-2024
Dr. Biljana Jović was born in Belgrade, Serbia, graduated engineer of forestry – landscape architecture, with done postgraduate studies – master of science degree and doctoral dissertation at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade in the scientific field descriptive geometry and geometry of architectural form which has a dual character: scientific and artistic. Master of Science degree (2006) and Doctor of Technical Sciences (2012) for architecture and urban planning. PhD thesis entitled: Geometrical education in domain of visualization and experimental designs using virtual technology, at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade, defended in 2012. PhD deals with the study of geometry and graphics, through education. She is founder of creative platform “Workshop Geometry” at the Faculty of Forestry. In her work she deals with geometry, graphics, new technologies and interventions in space. Specialization on the University of Technology in TU Vienna, Austria and TU Dresden, Germany. In her work combines the approach of landscape architects as well as engineers and artistic approach to geometric principles finds beauty and expression. Researcher on the projects of Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic Serbia. Participant of several international projects. Author of projects of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic Serbia 2022 and 2021, co-author of two projects of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic Serbia in 2015/2016 dealing with contemporary art. She is member of the Serbian Association for Geometry and Graphics (SUGIG) and the International Association for Geometry and Graphics (International Society for Geometry and Graphics – ISGG). Committee Board member and reviewer on International Conferences: BALTGRAF 2013 – Conference on Geometry and Graphics of the Baltic countries, Riga, Latvia. International Conferences for geometry and graphics (ISGG) 2014 Innsbruck, Austria, ICGG 2016 – Beijing, China; ICGG 2018 Milano, Italy; ICGG 2020 Sao Paolo, Brazil; Member of Scientific Board of APLIMAT 2019 and APLIMAT 2020 Bratislava, Slovakia; Reviewer on 39th eCAADe 2021 Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad; Member of Scientific Board: moNGeometrija 2021 Conference, Belgrade, Serbia;
Participant and Technical Session Chair on Asian Forum on Graphic Science AFGS 2017 Tokyo Japan August 2017.
Member of Scientific Board, participant and session chair of Asian Forum on Graphic Science AFGS 2019, Kunming, China;
Invited lecturer, member of program Committee, and session chair on the 13th Asian Forum on Graphic Science AFGS 2021, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
Design Culture Confluence 2022, Jaipur, India, online international Conference: member of scientific board and participant for sub-theme Creativity.
Program Committee member, session chair and participant on ICGG 2022, Sao Paolo, Brazil.
Reviewer member on National Entity for Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education (NEAQUA) Serbia.
Cooperation with Museum of science and technology, Belgrade, Serbia (Protocol signed 2022) https://www.muzejnt.rs/
Participant on Curious project: https://www.projectcurious.eu/
Finalist on Asian Design Modeling Contest Tokyo Japan ADMC 2017: http://admc2017.graphicscience.jp/finalist/10_index_detail.html
Invited participant on summer school LGLS at TU Dresden: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZDpHvWthRI
Awarded Cumulus + Grantee on Cumulus Conference Rovaniemi 2019, Finland. Member of International Reviewer Board on Cumulus Conference, Finland 2019: https://cumulusassociation.org/
Cumulus ANTWERP, Belgium 12-15 april 2023 “Connectivity and creativity in times of conflict” NEW MEMBERS FAIR of Cumulus Association – global creative linking of ART and DESIGN Universities, hosted by Faculty of Design Sciences of the University of Antwerp in close collaboration with Royal Academy of Fine Arts.
Founder of creative platform Geometry workshop 2012: http://www.geometryworkshop.com/
Worth partnership project ambassador: https://worth-partnership.ec.europa.eu/worth-community/biljana-jovic_en
Social networks:
Member of Program Committee and presenter at 14th Asian Forum on Graphic Science AFGS 2023 Shenzhen, China, August 7-10. 2023.
Invited plenary lecturer at
2nd International Conference of the Committee for Folk Architecture of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Veszprém
Veszprém – Taliándörögd – Káli-medence, 27-31 August 2023
Scientific area
Descriptive geometry and geometry of architectural form
Research interests
Geometry and Graphics, Descriptive, Projective and Constructive Geometry, Landscape-architectural graphics, Visualization in landscape architecture, Geometrical modelling, Biomimetics, Experimental design, Biodesign.
Engaging Teaching
Bachelor level of studies
- Descriptive geometry ‒ Landscape architecture and Horticulture
- Landscapearchitectural graphics
Master level of studies
- Digital visualization in Landscape architecture
- Digital modeling and visualization on english language master study program: Forestry and Natural Resources Management
Doctoral level of studies
- Geometrical modelling and visualization in Landscape Architecture
Selected papers
- Biljana S. Jović, Olga D. Gajanić (2023): LIGHT ART INSTALLATION BIO-INSPIRED BY ENDEMIC PLANT SPECIES Helleborus serbicus, Proceedings of 14THASIAN FORUM ON GRAPHIC SCIENCE, AFGS 2023, 7–10 AUGUST, 2023, SHENZHEN, CHINA, http://afgs2023.cgn.net.cn/
- Biljana Jović, Aleksandar Čučaković, Marija Marković, Katarina Bašić (2023): SUSTAINABLE SOLAR LAMP BIODESIGN INSPIRED BY THE Crocus vernus FLOWER, MONGEOMETRIJA 2023, Novi Sad, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6022-575-9, pp 389-397, The 9th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics, June 7th – 10th, 2023, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Publishers: Serbian Society for Geometry and Graphics (SUGIG), Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia.
- Biljana Jović, Andjela Stanojević (2023): OBLIKOVANJE VIRTUELNOG OKRUŽENJA SA MODELIMA BIODIZAJNA U HORTIKULTURNOJ TERAPIJI, Rad saopšten i objavljen u celini u Zborniku Simpozijumu sa međunarodnim učešćem: Pejzažna hortikultura 2023: “Zdravlje biljaka – Zdravlje ljudi” Univerzitet u Boegradu Šumarski fakultet, 09-10. februar, 2023 Beograd, pp. 274-285.
- Biljana S. Jović, Dragica D. Obratov Petković and Olga D.Gajanić, BIODESIGN IN ARCHITECTURE, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE AND FASHION, Revista Brasileira de Expressão Gráfica, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2021, ISSN 2318-7492
- Biljana S. Jović, Aleksandar Čučaković, Anđela D. Mitić, Vesna Golubović Ćurguz and Benjamin Chemarum: INTERPRETING PARAMETRIC-BIOMIMICRY DESIGN FROM CAD TO BIM SOFTWARE: DIGITAL MODELLING BASED ON A SKETCH OF NANDI FLAME, „8th International Conference moNGeometrija, focused on the research about geometry, graphics and application to science, engineering and art“ Belgrade, Serbia, 10.-12. September, 2021. Conference moNGeometrija 2021 Book of Abstracts ISBN 978-86-6060-085-3, pages 16- 18, COBISS.SR-ID 44760841, Proceedings electronic, Pages 33-43, ISBN 978-86-6060-086-0, Publishers: Serbian Society for Geometry and Graphics (SUGIG) and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia, COBISS ID=46343945
- Jović, B., Čučaković, A., Mitić, A., Golubović Ćurguz, V., CHemarum, B (2021)׃ Urban installations as 3d models inspired by sketch of Nandi flame, SMARTART Second International Conference of the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade ART AND SCIENCE APPLIED: EXPERIENCE AND VISION, Belgrade, 23–25 September, 2021., Book of Abstracts pp.44
- Jović, B., Čučaković, A., Mitić, A., Golubović Ćurguz, V., Chemarum, B (2021)׃ Urban installations as 3d models inspired by sketch of Nandi flame, SMARTART Second International Conference of the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade ART AND SCIENCE APPLIED: EXPERIENCE AND VISION, Belgrade, 23–25 September, 2021., Conference Proceedings pp. 266-284, ISBN 978-86-80245-45-4
- Jovic S. Biljana, Obratov-Petkovic Dragica, Gajanic Olga: Bio-digital Land Art Installation Inspired by Dandelion Leaf; ICGG 2022 – PROCEEDINGS OF THE 20TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GEOMETRY AND GRAPHICS 2023 146 ():431-440, Springer, http://dx.doi.org//10.1007/978-3-031-13588-0_37
- Biljana S. Jović, Dragica D. Obratov Petković, Olga D. Gajanić (2022): KONCEPTUALNA BIODIZAJNERSKA REŠENJA INSPIRISANA AUTOHTONIM BILJNIM VRSTAMA. Predavanje po pozivu na Simpozijumu sa međunarodnim učešćem: Pejzažna arhitektura i hortikultura 2022 – stanje i perspektive. Šumarski fakultet, 24-25. februar, Beograd, pp. 92-102.
- Biljana S. Jović, Ivan Lušičić Liik, Iva Olujić: BIODESIGN; AL – Augmented Lecture, Theatre “Vuk”; 14.11.2022. International Art and Science project Curious 2022; University of Arts, Faculty of Drama Arts, Laboratory for Interactive Arts, Belgrade, Serbia
- Biljana S. Jović, Ivan Lušičić Liik, Iva Olujić: BIODESIGN; AL – Augmented Lecture, Invited by Center for the Promotion of Science – AL on International Conference “OpenSciComm”, Belgrade, Serbia, Museum of Yugoslav film archive 24.11.2022. International Art and Science project Curious 2022; University of Arts, Faculty of Drama Arts, Laboratory for Interactive Arts, Belgrade, Serbia.
- Jović, B., Čučaković, A., Nestorović, M., (2016): Polyhedron Construction By Using Multimedia Tools In Geometry Education, Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics (ICGG 2016), (pp. 333‒334), ISBN 978-7-5682-2814-5, Beijing, China, August 4‒8, 2016.
- Mihailo Grbić , Aleksandar Čučaković, Biljana Jović, Miloš Tripković, Garden cultural heritage spatial functionalities: The case of anamorphosis abscondita at Vaux-le-Vicomte, Journal of Cultural Heritage, Elsevier, Available online 19 September 2015, doi:10.1016/j.culher.2015.08.007 JCH 18 (2016), pp 366‒369 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1296207415001387
- Nestorović Miodrag, Čučaković Aleksandar, Jović Biljana, Teofilović Nataša. (2014). Geometrical Structure Analysis of Four Beijing Olimpic Buildings. Izgradnja (Construction) (2014), No 11‒12, pp.500‒506, UDK 514.144, ISSN 0350-5421, COBSIS.SR-ID 55831.
- Čučaković A., Jović B., Constructive Geometry Education by Contemporary Technologies SAJ_2011_3_ Serbian Architectural Journal, original scientific article, approval date 12.06.2011. UDK BROJEVI 514.18:62 ID BROJ 184977420 p. 164‒183.
- Jovic,B., Tripkovic,M., Čučaković A., Geometrijska korelacija obrazca kulturnog predela i lista vrstePrunus domestica L., Glasnik Šumarskog fakulteta, Beograd, 2011, br. 104, str. 29‒40 UDK: 514-7:|911.53+581.45,Originalni naučni rad DOI:10.22989/GSF1104029J.
- Biljana Jović, Aleksandar Čučaković, Miloš Tripković: Visual structure analysis of multiplied geometric patterns and abstract geometric compositions, 17th International conference on geometry and graphics, pp 195-197, 4–8 Аugust, 2016, Beijing, China. ISBN 978-7-5682-2814-5.
- Aleksandar Čučaković, Biljana Jović, Mirjana Komnenov: Biomimetic Geometry Approach to Generative Design, Periodica Polytechnica Architecture, Volume Vol. 47, No. 2 (2016), pp. 70-74. 10082, DOI: 10.3311/PPar.10082, Creative Commons Attribution. (2016.), https://pp.bme.hu/ar/article/view/10082
- Aleksandar Čučaković, Biljana Jović, Miloš Tripković: Paper strips driven design – application on doubly curved surfaces FME Transactions (2017) 45, pp251-255VOL. 45, No 2, 2017 Belgrade, Serbia.
- Čučaković,A., Jović, B., Tomićević – Dubljević, J., Stojanović, J.: Interpretacija projektantskih rešenja primenom digitalne grafike, Izgradnja 71 (2017) 3-4, str. 87-95, UDK:004.932, Originalni naučni rad, ISSN 0350-5421
- Aleksandar Čučaković, Biljana Jović, Тhe advantages of using digital 3d animation in geometrical education, SAJ_2017_9_ Serbian Archtectural Journal, polemical article, approval date 10 04 2017.
- Aleksandar A. Čučaković, Dragica D. Obratov- Petković, Biljana S. Jović, Anđela D. Mitić : PARAMETRIC MODELING AS GEOMETRIC TOOL FOR DESIGNING URBAN MODEL OF BIOMORPHIC FORM INSPIRED BY FLOWER OF BELL FLOWER (CAMPANULA PERSICIFOLIA L.) MONGEOMETRIJA 2018, Novi Sad, Serbia, ISBN 978-86-6022-055-6, pp 117-125, The 6th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics, June 6th – 9th 2018, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Novi Sad, Publishers: Serbian Society for Geometry and Graphics (SUGIG), Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. COBISS.SR-ID 324344839, CIP – Каталогизација у публикацији Библиотека Матице српске, Нови Сад 514.18(082) 004.92(082)
- Jovic B.Takashi O. Sato N. Research on an effect of providing user interaction for graphic education, The 18th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics, Milano, Italy, August 3-7, pp 366-368, International Society for Geometry and Graphics, ISBN 97888-6493-044-2, https://www.springer.com/us/book/9783319955872
- Jovic B.Čučaković A. Tomićević Dubljević J. Mitić A. Examination of the visual experience of biomorphic form materialized in urban design, The 18th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics, Milano, Italy, August 3-7, pp 366-368, International Society for Geometry and Graphics, ISBN 97888-6493-044-2, https://www.springer.com/us/book/9783319955872
- Biljana Jović, Daniela Velichova, Milena Cvetić: Golden section: Application in domain of landscape architecture, Slovak Journal for Geometry and Graphics, Volume 15 (2018), No. 30 ISSN 1336-524X, pp 5-18, Slovak Society for Geometry and Graphics, SSGG, ssgg.sk
- Jović, B, Mitić, A., (2020) Exploration of nature-based biomimetic approach in landscape architectural design: parametric study of candelabra model design, Visual Computing for Industry, Biomedicine, and Art 3:25, VICO-D-20-00017R1, Springer, DOI: 10.1186/s42492-020-00060-y
- Cucakovic, A., Jovic, B., Ocokoljic, M., Markovic, I., (2020) The Contemporary Visualization and Modelling Technologies and Techniques for The Design of The Green Roofs, THE 7™ ICGG CONFERENCE | MONGEOMETRIJA 2020 1 PROCEEDINGS |Belgrade: 18-21 September 2020; pp.283-294; ISBN 978-86-6060-046-4; SUGIG Beograd
- Jovic, B., Cucakovic, A., Markovic, M., Cvijic, K. (2021) Biomimetic Approach to Parametric Flower Modeling, Conference proceedings ICGG 2021; Part of the Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing book series (AISC, volume 1296) https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-63403-2 under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 L.-Y. Cheng (Ed.): ICGG 2020, AISC 1296, pp. 244–251, 2021. ISSN 2194-5357 (print) ISSN 2194-5365 (electronic) ISBN 978-3-030-63402-5 ISBN 978-3-030-63403-2 (eBook) DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-63403-2_22
- Jovic, B., Cucakovic, A., Obratov-Petković, D., Ždímalová, M., Komnenov, M., (2021) Transposition of Biomimetical Principles into Generative Design: Example of the Species Campanula patula L. Book Title: Faces of Geometry, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 P. Magnaghi-Delfino et al. (eds.), Faces of Geometry, Lecture Notes in Networksand Systems 172, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-63702-6_11
- Jović, Biljana S.; Čučaković, Aleksandar A.; Grbić, Mihailo N. (2021) “Circle in Space—Space in Circle: A Study of Ratio between Open Space and Built-Up Area in Historical Circular Objects” Sustainability 13, no. 9: 4662. ISSN 2071-1050 https://doi.org/10.3390/su13094662